Crido a radical act! Respect yourself with our radically natural, environmentally friendly products.

Skincare For
Glossier is a new approach to beauty. It’s about fun and freedom and being
OK with yourself today. We make intuitive, uncomplicated products designed to live with you.
Glossier is a new approach to beauty. It’s about fun and freedom and being
OK with yourself today. We make intuitive, uncomplicated products designed to live with you.

Explore all of our products
Anti acne routine
From: L0Anti age skincare
From: L0Our happy clients
Jam shume e kenaqur nga seti anti akne, dhe ta mendosh qe kam vetem 4 dite qe e perdor me shkelqen fytyra dhe nuk me...
Eleni Memaj
Me eshte permiresuar fytyra shume dhe e ndiej shume mire. Jam shume e lumtur qe te gjeta ty dhe keto produkte se kisha humbur...
Sevi Meta
Jam shume e kenaqur me trajtimin e fytyres me hydrafacial dhe me rutinen qe mora. Lekura ndihet shume shume mire dhe produktet ishin super, nuk...
Ilda 17
Kam marre kremin anti akne dhe serumin anti akne. Dhe kam super rezultat ne fytyre. Akne nuk kam me fare dhe shenja me kane...